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Re: Age and Complexity

From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 11:20:11 +0000
Subject: Re: Age and Complexity

>My impression of the members of the list
>have changed since this survey.
>For the better, of course!

Seconded. This has been a very enlightening thread, and it is
interesting to note that a large proportion (of those who replied,
are thirtysomethings who have been gaming for many years. 

One thing that has come up (ref: Alfredo's recent posts) is that the
"wargaming" seems to mean slightly different things either side of the
pond. I gather many US gamers refer to board wargames (ie
games) simply as wargaming, and use "miniatures games" when referring to
figure games. Here in the UK, "Wargaming" has traditionally been with
figures, board wargaming is exactly that, and the term Miniatures gaming
hardly ever used.

IMHO, whether done with figures or counters, on terrain or map,
is a simulation of combat - whether that combat is/was/may be real,
fictional or pure fantasy is of little relevance to the definition.

Jon (GZG)

Prev: Re: Some FT rules ideas(Longish) Next: Big ships vs little ships (was Re: Helltank and Helltank Destroyer)