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Solo Wargamers Association. (was Age and Complexity)

From: Thomas Heaney <Thomas@k...>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 15:31:40 +0000
Subject: Solo Wargamers Association. (was Age and Complexity)

In article <>, Adrian Bruce
<> writes
>Any other isolated, middle aged, ( I'm just joking!) would be
>gamers here interested in 'simple' SF combat with miniatures that
>is also suitable for solo play, and fun in and of itself ( other than
>Ogre that is)?

Hi there Adrian.

You might be interested in the Solo Wargamers Association, which has
been running for almost 22 years now.  In issues 111 and 112 of Lone
Warrior, the SWA's quarterly journal, there was an article entitled
"Solo space gaming", which had a very simple set of rules, plus some
ideas on scratchbuilding spaceships.

If you are interested, you can contact the editor, Kenn Hart, at, or the editor of the North American edition, Richard
Barbuto, at

Lone Warrior is also published at , but this is a
pay site. 

If you would like any more info on the SWA, feel free to contact me.

Hope this is of help.

Thomas Heaney

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