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Re: Star Blazers [Re: EFSB]

From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@b...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 98 08:59:06 -0600
Subject: Re: Star Blazers [Re: EFSB]

 Mark S. wrote:
 > BTW I've been talking to Keith Johansen (the guy how came up with the
 > game)and he admits that there are a few minor flaws in the Star
 > ame that he intends on ironing out.	Particularly in the area on
 > attacks.  He's working on a chart that will handle massive amounts of

 > missiles and weapons at various ranges.  If it works out you won't
 > to roll for each of 100 missiles to any of them hit the ship.
 > Dean? ;-)
 So what am I supposed to do with all the d10's I got just for this 
 purpose? ;-P~~~~~

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