Re: DS II Figures
From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 10:52:14 +0000
Subject: Re: DS II Figures
>In a message dated 98-01-16 03:14:25 EST, Jon T. wrote:
>> The NSL and NAC infantry are now out in 6mm - a full platoon per
pack; just
>> got the first NAC Power Armour 6mm from the sculptor, the pack will
be out
>> soon.
>Will these be posed identically, or will there be some variety within
>pack in terms of poses and weapons?
>Mike Messenger
The NAC and NSL infantry packs each have 4 different figure poses - 2 x
different riflemen, 1 x SAW and 1 x Missile launcher; the NSL Platoon
for example, has 4 x SAWs, 4 x MLs and 16 assorted riflemen. The PA
will probably have a similar mix when we get the figure variations done.
In response to another post, the masters for the infantry (not the PA
but they will follow) are on their way to GeoHex - you'll have to speak
them re: US release dates.
Jon (GZG)