Re: Fleet Spacing
From: mehawk@c... (Michael Sandy)
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 21:14:45 -0800
Subject: Re: Fleet Spacing
> > If there aren't any area effect weapons, why not clump
> > as close as possible? Granted that when ships blow
> > up they do damage to the ships around them, but there
> > are some very good reasons for flying in a dense
> > formation.
> This is why many fleets carry ships with Wave Guns.
I agree, but some campaigns don't allow Wave Guns or Nova Cannon,
so my question was aimed at them. Without area effect weapons
what reasons do people have for spreading out:
So far we have:
Anti-fighter escorts use ADAF against fighters short of the fleet.
Submunition ships and missile ships have different range requirements,
so I can see squadrons of submunition ships and missile ships becoming
widely separated.
I have a hard time seeing why the Submunition squadron itself
of a fleet would spread out. Especially if they have Sand Casters!
Obligatory abuse:
3 Submunition ships in close formation each with a forward Sand
Caster. Effectively they get 3 levels of shields while closing,
for much less Mass than level 3 shields.
As long as they are far enough apart so they don't take damage if
one is destroyed, why spread out?
Michael Sandy