Re: Earthforce Sourcebook is in!
From: Stuart Murray <smurray@a...>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 20:08:24 -0500
Subject: Re: Earthforce Sourcebook is in!
>> Ok, time to play catch-up for the new guy on the list. Correct me if
I am
>> wrong, but I assume the Source book is for Babylon % Wars???.
>No. Its a supplement for the Chameleon Eclectic game "The Babylon
>project". Essentially it should be for roleplaying but Jon Tuffley
>was contacted (probably not the right word) to create a ship combat
>system for the game that would work in the B5 universe. Thats why
>must of us on the list want a copy of it. Frnakly the roleplaying
>game isn't up to much otherwise. At least from what i've seen and
>heard of it. The system (I hope) should follow Jons basic style of
>Keeping it simple and not going the B5 wars way of things (psuedo SFB
>in my opinion).
I've played a couple of games of it and I can say I'm not too
by it. It seems you have to do an awful lot of damage to functionally
disable ships, and fighters seems very unbalanced vs ships. I think
probably end up using it for small ship/fighter combat (the fighter
are quite nice) as i'm not wild about thier resolution of ship to ship
>> Also what is this about a FT/B5 rule set for sale. Whos ship do you
have to
>> blowup to get a set, and who much. After all the trip from Calif. to
>> ain't in the budget.
>Same here unfortunately. I presume Chameleon Eclectic could sort you
>out on that one.
Give them a call on 800-435-9930, give them your credit card no. and hey
presto you can go to the ball, oops wrong story. Seriously, I ordered
directly from CE since my local stores are (an understatement) a bit
Miniature gaming won't work in NY they tell me, apparently no one has
space, except for GW stuff which they are more than happy to sell me !
Good hunting
Stuart Murray
Department Of Molecular Genetics
Albert Einstein College Of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
New York 10461
Tel: (718) 430 4289