From: Jon Davis <davis@a...>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 15:07:36 -0500
Subject: Re: FT PBEM
Denny Graver wrote:
> I wondered if anyone has played a PBEM game of FT in a day or less. I
> realise that not everyone has access to the web instantly available,
> I am sad enough to want to try a large battle with many players at
> point in the not too distant future.
I'm with Indy. ***THUD*** :-)
A large battle with 2000 points per side can take two hours to process a
That's for a limited intelligence game with sensors and scanning.
Two players with two or three cruisers on a side with full intelligence
can be processed fairly quickly, but you won't be able to complete a
game in a day. It could be done in a week.... at great expenditure of
spouse and family points.
> PBEM: SG2 or Dirtside
> Has anyone tried these as PBEM ?
It's doable, but it would be even slower than a FT game because of the
phased nature of the rules. You could make orders contingent on the
enemy's actions, but it could bog down. It would have to be a small
of either rules set.