FT PBEM (was: Anti-missile defenses in FT)
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 97 18:10:22 GMT
Subject: FT PBEM (was: Anti-missile defenses in FT)
On Tue, 02 Dec 1997, Beep?? Whaddya mean, 'beep'? I don't speak 'beep'!
>>Try a little PBEM?
>Of course, someone has to be running a scenario, with slots open, to
>do the PBeM route... ;-)
Are there rules for PBEM available? I'd have thought it would be a bit
slow... also, are there any rules for non-refereed PBEM games?
/~~\_/~\ BEWARE ,,, |~) _ _ _ _ |~) __|_ _ _ \ / _ __|_
| #=#======of==# | |~\(_)(_|(/_| |_)|_|| | (_)| | \/\/ (/__\ |
\__/~\_/ FILKER ``` _| roger@firedrake.demon.co.uk
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