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RE: Lightweight Fighters

From: Tim Jones <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 09:37:20 -0000
Subject: RE: Lightweight Fighters

On Thursday, November 13, 1997 8:27 PM, Dean Gundberg 
[] wrote:
>  This idea hit me yesterday <whump> and I don't remember seeing rules
>  Lightweight Fighters anywhere else.	Read on and let me know what you
>  think.
>  Lightweight Fighters


Initial reaction - there are enough variants (heavy etc.) already do we
add another multiplier? But read on.

8 in a bay the old D6 on the fighter stand is now a D8.

A LW fighter might be more nimble or a smaller target so harder to hit,
once hit they fold easily. I think for balance you have to make then
to take out, so the to hit tables look OK.

>  All fighter modifications are available for LW fighters including the
>  'Heavy' modification (which results in a group of 8 fighters that
>  damage like normal but costs more).	A group of 8 LW Torpedo Fighters
>  be dangerous if they get to attack but it should be easy to knock
down a
>  few before they attack.

I don't see the point of a Heavy Light Fighter - its just a Normal
surely.  Somehow you can fit 8 in the bay, what is the rationale behind
What are the Mass and Points costs?

I like light torpedo fighters and have a vision of the Fairey Swordfish
attacking the Bismark in 'Sink the Bismark' (great film).

>  This type of modification might work well to give some races a
>  feel from others without complicating the rules too much.  They
remind me
>  of the bugs from SST, waves and waves of attrition fighters that keep
>  coming until they overwhelm.

I agree that it can give a different tech or racial feel, but at the
cost of 
adding complication. They remind be of Fairey Swordfish.

Tim Jones

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