GZG game developements
From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 09:33:36
Subject: GZG game developements
Jon (GZG) said:
>>Don't let the DS2/SGII factions hear you say this!! ;-)
>Don't panic, we're not doing this when we should be getting on with
>things - just as a bit of light relief between the important bits!! ;)
>The groundpounders will get their stuff in due course. Besides, it'll
>nicely into DSII for low-orbit/atmospheric fighter combats...
I hope that this means Jon will be bridging the gap between FT and DSII
this low-orbit/atmospheric fighter system and give us a point system to
match for our campeigns...