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Re: Wet Thrust for WW2

From: campbelr@d...
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 12:51:58 +0000
Subject: Re: Wet Thrust for WW2

I somewhere on my hard drive still have the rules for this, and I did 
have one problem that I would like to bring up. It may be just me, 
but I feel the ships have to many guns. For example the Iowa class 
only had 3 main batteries, (and IIRC) 10 secondary, and 24 or so
tertiary batteries.
I think the game would have to go through a major re-write for this 
so as it is it's just a pet peeve, and IMHO anyway. But I thought I'd 
bring it up.

"Creative Financing is the key to any venture. Right John?"
R. Hood (Ret.)

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