From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 08:07:05 +1000
Subject: RE: DSII: APSW
Phil wrote (and I snipped)
> As the rules are written in SGII an RFAC is far better
>than a SAW against infantry but in DSII a RFAC is all but
useless against
>an infantry unit... Perhaps I just don't understand the rules
> Phil P.
I seem to be a little confused here Phil; I thought the way the rules
read the RFAC is LESS effective than a SAW vs Infantry.
Let's see: SAW - say FP d10, firer's Qual Reg - d8, Impact d10
RFAC - Fire Control Enhanced d8, Firer's Qual Reg - d8,
Impact vs Infantry is d8
So far the SAW is better
Looking at the Defender's dice for range, again using Regular firer -
SAW range bands of 8", for the RFAC of course the range bands are 12"
regardless of Firer Qual. Talking of ranges to engage the enemy around
the 200m to 300m ie 20" to 30" vs the SAW would be d8 or d10, vs the
RFAC d6 or d8.
So all up the SAW has an advantage in the To Hit Roll, the RFAC has an
advantage in the Ranges and the SAW has better chance of causing
casualties. I'd rather fire the SAW at infantry in most cases. The RFAC
is better if the vehicle becomes suppressed of course since you can't
fire an external mount SAW in that case.
Gimme that SAW!
Owen G