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Strategic Thrust

From: Todd Wikel <rogue@c...>
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 18:46:58 -0600
Subject: Strategic Thrust

Hello gents,
	I have slowly been working on the campaign system and could use
a little more help.  The current topic is DSII ground troops in the
campaign. I have worked out the following system, but being unfamiliar
with DSII point system, I need a point value for the sduad cost.

The quick combat system is a modified Axis & Allies system.  The units
have the following attack/defense and space reqirements in both Cryo and
Normal Accomidations.  All I need is someone to give me a point cost for
these troops.

							   A/D	    in
Cryo	  in NA 	Special Notes
     Foot--8 man sqd				 2/2
8	      32
     Mech--1 MICV-size 3		    2/3
-	      12
		 2 crew + 8 foot
10	     40
     Special--3 man team		       3/1
3	     12 	 Hvy Wpns, Special

Forces, ect
      MBT--1 MBT-size 3 		     3/2
-	     12
crew							5	    20
      HBT--1 HBT-size 4 		       4/3
-	    16
crew							5	    20
      Artillery--1 SP Arty-size 4	       4/1
-	    16
crew						       4	   16
      AA--1 AA vehicle-size 3		      1/4
-	    12	       Attacks fighters
crew						       3
12	   before they fire

(defense Only)

Thanks for the help Guys,

			   Captain Rogue Gryffons
	       "Never Draw Fire.  It Irritates Everyone Around You"
     Web Page:
     WarBird's Pilot and Hobbyist supreme.....Have Ammo, will travel.

Prev: Re: FT: Pulse Torpedoes vs. Submunition Packs Next: Re: Bio-Forces -- Was: SG2/DS2 help wanted...