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Re: FT: Pulse Torpedoes vs. Submunition Packs

From: Jonathan Davis <davis@a...>
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 19:11:05 -0500
Subject: Re: FT: Pulse Torpedoes vs. Submunition Packs

John Leary wrote:
>      The entire debate about pulse torpedos/submunitions assumes
> that the escort is attacking a slow moving capital ship w/thrust
> of three or less.
>      The pulse torpedo is more important against ships that can
> 'MOVE'.   By 'MOVE' I mean thrust five or better ships.
> In a current campaign, my thrust five battledreadnought squadron
> has managed to elude not less than 30 missiles (in two salvos).
>      I contend that submunition armed escorts could not have done
> much better (I.E. close to within six inches for full effect).
> Due to the even more limited firing arc.
> Let the debate continue, only success can prove anyones claim.
> Bye for now,
> John L.

The majority of capital ships encountered will be the thrust 2
or 3 variety.  A thrust 5 DN with Level 3 screens presents a
problem all of its own.  I suspect with the Third edition of
the FT rules, such a ship will still be feasible, but not packing
much in the way of weaponry with the mass-for-thrust rule 
changes.  Plus the elimination, if I recall, of the level 3 
screen protection.

Jon Davis

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