Prev: New Battlefleet Gothic? (was Re: Full Tilt?) Next: Fun with Firecon

SV: Full Tilt?

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@n...>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 23:44:49 +0100
Subject: SV: Full Tilt?

> Från: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@CMU.EDU>
> Till:
> Ämne: Re: Full Tilt?
> Datum:  den 31 oktober 1997 16:03
> Excerpts from FT: 30-Oct-97 Re: Full Tilt? by "Mark A. Siefert"@csd.uw

> >	    I've also heard that the somewhat Evil Empire (it's not
> > because I do like Epic 40K) is finnally considering rereleasing the
> > Space Fleet minis and a new version of Battlefleet Gothic.	Well,
> > see.
> We'll also see if they actually end up releasing the (old) Space Fleet
> minis.  I do have it on good authority that they're finally doing
> fighter rules -- ~3mm Thunderbolts have already been produced -- but
> source already said that GW was using 'in-house, scratch-built things
> for playtesting'.  I'd *really* like to know what happened to the old
> models... and I *really* hope GW doesn't "modernize" it's fleet the
> it's tried to "modernize" the Warlord Titan.	(Battletech, anyone?)

Well... as for "what happened": nothing at all, so far :-) They've
to the new white metal, but they'll still re-cast the old models if you
want them to. Some new Eldar ships (and Ork hulks <g>) would be nice,

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

Prev: New Battlefleet Gothic? (was Re: Full Tilt?) Next: Fun with Firecon