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Re: Temporary list suspension

From: Deeply in Love with Dot <jw4@b...>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 08:23:03 +0000
Subject: Re: Temporary list suspension

OK folks, things /seem/ to be back to normal now. Thanks for your
while we sorted it out.

what happened was this :

Some member of one of the lists hosted here at BI went on holiday, and
one of those 'I am on holiday, I will be back on such a date'
Normally, that's a good thing. HOWEVER, if you are subscribed to a
list it's a VERY VERY bad thing. why? Well, here's what happens..

The list sends you a message
your system autoreplies
the autoreply comes back to you via the list
your system autoreplies
the autoreply comes back to you via the list
your system autoreplies..

ad infinitum. Basically (for all you engineers out there) it's the email
equivalent of a positive feedback loop. To put it bluntly, a single
has (inadvertently) mailbombed us out of existence this week.

SO, if you are going on holiday, or you are going to be away for a
significant period of time, use the NOMAIL command. To dio that send the
command 'NOMAIL' to the appropriate <list> The
who did this is going to come back to a VERY full mailbox and I think
will find it almost and far from being amusing as we did.

	We now (hopefully) return you to your usual service. Thank you
for your time.

					Jonathan White
'And I love what we are but I hate what I am
 And I wanna be like you but I hate when you're like them'
		   Maria McKee 'What Else you Wanna Know'
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