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Re: house rules/offline

From: Have you hugged your telepath today? <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 16:40:23 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: house rules/offline

Status: RO

> Ref house rules. Someone commented on the limited...
>> It also makes the much-neglected C Beam more useful, especially if
>> also allow C Batts to be used as PDAFs as well, as per the More
>> rules...
>You know, I'd allow B-batts to aim at such ships as well.  C-batts
>already have anti-fighter/anti-missile capability, but the B-batt is
>still stuck in the middle with nothing much to recommend it.  (C'mon, 6
>mass gets you fewer shots at range with 3 B-batts than it does with 2
>A-batts....)  You might consider kicking in a mass limitation too,
>otherwise really fast battleships could become quite overpowering. 
>(Expensive, yes, but I imagine they could do a *lot* of damage.)

Wasn't the 'fix' to the A/B-batt thing here to make the A-batts 4 Mass
instead of 3...?

Only the bravest try where eagles and angels dare to fly

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