RE: Low Tech forces in DSII/SGII
From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 10:39:57 +1000
Subject: RE: Low Tech forces in DSII/SGII
Jon Leary wrote:
>Mr. Peters,
> I do not know if 'primative' combat would really be of
Status: RO
>for any length of time. After all, if we are talking really
>primative, shooting the tribal chief ends the war!
>In the great empire of Rome, what danger did a legion present
>a WW2 Armored Infantry company, next to nothing!
I could imagine some-one gaming the "Janissaries" type of world where
you have exactly that. Romans vs H&K G3s and M16s.
Still you would probably need to run the lo-techs in squads of 100!?
Where are my old 25mm Hinchcliffe ancients?
I guess it would be short lived in the bigger scheme of things but still
might be worth considering for some; that's what this list is for -
brainstorming and coming up with ideas. For example - morale would have
to play a much larger part for your lo-techs!
Owen Glover