Re: Vector Rules
From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 10:58:47 -0400
Subject: Re: Vector Rules
Allan Goodall writes:
@:) ... if you're thinking of homegrown rules to handle angular
@:) acceleration, you may want to think about giving fast turning
@:) ships a slight penalty in mass to handle this effect.
@:) On a tangential note, I'd like to be able to make brittle ships by
@:) getting a bonus for taking less than the calculated hull boxes and
@:) make tougher ships by buying extra hull boxes.
I like that idea. Here's a thought on how to handle damage from
rotational stresses:
A space ship experiences stress whenever it changes COURSE. The
Status: RO
amount of stress is proportional to the size of the turn. Each ship
also has a "maximum stress factor"; if this amount of stress is
exceeded, the ship may take damage. The maximum stress factor is
measured in COURSEs per turn. It is calculated, at ship construction
time, by the following formula:
SFmax = floor(1 + 60/mass)
This means that ships have the following maximum stress factors:
Mass SFmax
<=20 4
<=30 3
<=60 2
>60 1
If a ship changes course by a number of COURSEs greater than its
maximum stress factor, that ship immediately suffers 1d6 points of
Improvement: Structural Stiffening
Mass: 0 Cost: 10% of hull cost
This system makes the ship more resistant to the stresses
encountered during rotational motion. Ships with this system add one
point to their maximum stress factor.
System: Adaptive Structures
Mass:0 Cost: 30% of hull cost
Symbol: ____
/ /
| A |
This system of computer-controlled hydraulic stiffening systems
allows the ship to twist bend as it is manouvered. The increased
flexibility allows more violent manouvers to be performed without
damage. Ships with this system add two points to their maximum
stress factor. Unlike structural stiffening, this system is
actively controlled by a computer, which can be destroyed. This
system cannot be combined with structural stiffening.