newbie ship question
From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 21:08:34 -0700
Subject: newbie ship question
Status: RO
i do not wish to claim to be an authority on FULL THRUST all
I can give is 'the way we do this is'. In the final cut your group
must decide what you think is the most reasonable/enjoyble for you.
QUESTION 1) Logically the new acceleration would kick in on the
next turn since you spend this turn under acceleration/deceleration
to reach the new value. The rules do indicate an 'instant' speed
change can be made.
QUESTION 2) In my opinion, the rules do not require an 'all left'
or 'all right' plot. The captain of the ship tells the helmsman
which way to go, not the other way round. The ability to turn both
right and left allows a ship to reach areas that it could not
otherwise reach.
QUESTION 3) The sequence of movement is: TURN, MOVE, TURN, MOVE.
All even numbered turn points occure at the start of move and all
odd numbered points occure in the middle of the move.
DISRUPTERS: My life is already disrupted why do i need more?
By for now, John Leary
(try this: right, move, right+left, move.= 30 degree heading change)