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FTL Sytems-Game Implications...

From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 16:57:28 -0400
Subject: FTL Sytems-Game Implications...

Mike Wikan writes:

@:) OK. If we postulate multiple FTL/Sidereal sytems that sidestep the
@:) lightspeed problem, what are the mass penalties, etc. In FT it is
@:) assumed that about 25% of a ship's mass is taken up by their
@:) "Hyperdrive" style FTL. This would follow all rules postulated by
@:) the rules.

@:) Any additions? comments?

  Additions are easy, anyway.  This is an idea for a portal-based FTL
system, perhaps similar to that seen in the Buck Rogers TV show.

  Jump Gate Generator
  Mass: 40
  Cost: 100

  This component can open a gate into hyperspace.  The gate opened by
this component is large enough to allow a ship of mass 25 to pass
through.  The effects of any group of JGGs that are mutually within 6"
can be added.  Thus a cluster of four JGGs could create a gate large
enough to accomodate a ship of mass 100.

  The gate effect is generated within 12" of all participating ships
and continues for a number of turns equal to twice the number of JGGs
used to create the gate.  Once opened, no maintenance is required to
keep the gate in operation.  While the gate is open, any ship of small
enough mass may enter hyperspace by moving within 1" of the gate
location.  A ship larger than the specified mass will not enter
hyperspace and will take nd3 damage, where n is the number of JGGs
used to open the gate.

  A JGG remains in operation until the gate it has created collapses.
During this period, it may not be used to open another gate.

  Once in hyperspace, ships may only move one hex per strategic turn.
However, if another gate is activated at the same time as the first,
the ships may move instantaneously to the second gate.	A JGG must be
used to open a gate out of hyperspace into a hex where no gate is
present.  The gate out of hyperspace is large enough to accomodate any
vessel.  Vessels using a jump gate to enter hyperspace are not
required to carry any FTL drives.


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