Re: Faster Than Light Travel
From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 08:32:23 -0400
Subject: Re: Faster Than Light Travel
>But thinking about it, I can only think of three truly different ways
>travel at high speeds in S.Fiction. Every thing else is just a
>of one of those themes:
>1) hyperspace / warp space / worm holes / etc.
>2) Folding / warping (changing the reality of space time)
>3) conventional travel straight line, (if one believes: the light
>is just another barrier than every thinks can not be surpassed. Much
>the sound barrier back in the way days. < we just don't know how /
>if any one can think of something else that's no related to any of
>(is truly different) please let me know...
>I have been thinking about this for years now and have not come up with
>other theories..
IIRC (it was a LONG time ago that I read them), Brian Stableford's
Swan" series was pretty unique in that it had at least three different
types of FTL drive in use in the same setting! All I can remember is
one of them was called the P-Shifter (probability shifter), I think the
other two were more like the usual Hyperspace/Warp types; I just mention
this because it is a very unusual idea to have different races using
TOTALLY different FTL methods in the same book....
Jon (GZG)