Star Maps
From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 16:58:18 -0400
Subject: Star Maps
Kyle Klingler writes:
@:) I bought a copy of the computer game Frontier: Elite II because
@:) the star maps impressed me.... At the time it seemed impressive.
@:) That and the fact it had over 2000 star systems mapped out (not
@:) sure if all of the stars were real).
I would expect you could visit them all if that's what you mean.
Whether they were stars that are actually in the sky - I dunno. I
haven't played this but I was a big fan of the original Elite and it
sounds like they turned that game's radar system into a starmap -
interesting idea. I still think Elite's 3D combat system was better
than that found in most modern video games. Maybe they patented the
stuff or something - can't think why else no one would have used it