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Re: Battlefleet Gothic (was Re: Off topic Rugby thing.)

From: Oerjan Ohlson <f92-ooh@n...>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 03:01:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Battlefleet Gothic (was Re: Off topic Rugby thing.)

On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Christopher Weuve wrote:

> On Aug 14, 1997 at 9:28:51 AM, Oerjan Ohlson <>
> > On Wed, 13 Aug 1997, Christopher Weuve wrote: 
> > > (the never released) _Battlefleet Gothic_ 
> >  
> > IIRC, "Space Fleet" was "Battlefleet Gothic Light" - ie, BC was a
> > name for what SF should've been (and was, once you'd bought all the 
> > relevant White Dwarfs). 
> _Battlefleet Gothic_ was a moving target, and SF may even have used
part of 
> the cover art originally slated for BG, but _Advanced Space Fleet_
(i.e., SF 
> plus all the WD enhancements) was never really BG.  ASF/SF was played
on a map 
> with squares, with certain moves allowed from any position, sort of
like a 
> chess pieces that could select from several movement options.  The
> version of BG was a minis game (no board) using vector movement.

Many years ago, before Space Fleet was published, GW announced that
they were working on a space combat game with the working name
Battlefleet Gothic. IIRC, the first such mentions came around WD100
or so. In either WD109 or 119, they stopped talking about BG and
published a lot of sketches and pre-artworks for Space Fleet. In WDs
139-141 and 146-147 they published the Advanced Space Fleet rules,
and at about the same time Space Fleet was published - including,
among very few other things, two Gothic-class battleships.

BG _was_ the working name for a space combat game, but GW chickened
out and published a "light" version - far too "light", as it turned
out. Now they seem to be talking about redoing it, using some MoW
mechanics - Aaron mentioned this one year or so ago, after his
communication with GW about the rights to the rules and pictures from
said WDs (now published on his homepage, see his post earlier today). 


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
 What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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