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RE: A Different Missile System for Full Thrust

From: "Earl R. Forsythe II" <combatwombat@c...>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 10:27:40 -0400
Subject: RE: A Different Missile System for Full Thrust

Message text written by
>Read it as per 2. below, but apply against the ECM table from _More
>Thrust_, pg 3. 				^^^


I see the confusion now.  Those are EMP missiles in More Thurst.
I was trying to do ECM missiles like in the Harrington books.
The basic idea is some of your missiles are not carrying warheads
but rather Electronic CounnterMeasures to spoof the targets point
defense system and improve the chances of the salvo scoring hits.

That's why I stated ECM missiles are removed first.  They're supposed
to take hits that would have destroyed a warhead carrying missile.

Reviewing my original message, I forgot to make them cheaper than
standard missiles (otherwise, there's no point to them), say half the
price of standard missiles.  


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