A Different Missile System for Full Thrust
From: "ROBERTSON,Brendan" <Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 23:42:45 -0400
Subject: A Different Missile System for Full Thrust
Earl, try the following modifications, it should give a more balanced
outcome & is simplified down to core rules.
(w) Brendan.Robertson @ employment.gov.au
(h) Denian @ Shepparton.net.au
'Neath Southern Skies
The Oceanic Union lives!
>-----Original Message----- <modified>
>From: Earl R. Forsythe II [SMTP:combatwombat@compuserve.com]
>Subject: A Different Missile System for Full Thrust
>Instead of purchasing missiles singularly, you purchase a launch system
>Missile Launcher, Mass: 4 Points: 20
>5 Standard Missiles, Mass: 1 Points: 10
>5 ECM Missiles, Mass: 1 Points: 10
>5 Needle Missiles, Mass: 1 Points: 10
>A launcher can launch salvos of up to 5 missiles per turn. The salvo
>moves as a single unit and can be composed of standard missiles, ECM
>missiles, or a mix of the two. Movement as per standard missile rules.
>Std missiles attack as a 1 die submunition pack. ECM missiles roll
>adding +1 for each additional ECM missile over the first, subtracting
>A _1_ automatically has no effect. Needle missiles roll as per needle
>Anti-missile fire procedure:
>As per antifighter. Missiles are shot down in the order of: Needle
>ECM missiles, Std missiles.
>If a missile salvo ends its movement within 12" of an ADAF system and
>not attacking, it may be attacked as per antifighter.