Re: B5 Physics (was Re: OFF-TOPIC mini review B5 Wars (Designers
From: "Christopher Weuve" <caw@w...>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 10:21:05 -0400
Subject: Re: B5 Physics (was Re: OFF-TOPIC mini review B5 Wars (Designers
On Wed, Jul 30, 1997 at 10:04:58 PM, Allan Goodall wrote:
> Claudia Christian was at TorontoTrek a couple of weeks ago. I didn't
> but a friend did. According to HER, she asked for four episodes off to
> shoot a movie. They said "No," and fired her. She seems pretty steamed
> about the whole thing and WANTS to come back.
> I suspect that the answer lies somewhere in the middle. The best guess
> that she was keeping her options open, went past her contract
> and tried to do some back peddling when a movie deal fell through.
> way, she should can her agent.
I recommend checking the Lurker's Guide. Both CC and JMS are quoted
somewhat more so, and he has the last word), but JMS is somewhat more
persuasive. [He claims, for example, that the issue wasn't that she
four episodes off, but that she wanted to get PAID for them anyway.] It
sounds to me like there might have been a serious communication problem.
Of course, I know nothing about television production, etc.
--Chris Weuve [My opinion, not my employers.] (wk/day) (h)
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