Re: OFF-TOPIC mini review B5 Wars (Designers Comments)
From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 08:57:29 -0400
Subject: Re: OFF-TOPIC mini review B5 Wars (Designers Comments)
>> Hahahahaha! Zero-G is the LEAST of their problems. If that rotational
>> section jams, what happens with all that angular momentum? Answer:
the rest
>> of the ship starts spinning!
>Considering the mass and monentum, what would happen is the rest of the
>ship would disintegrate...
>One may assume that there are contra-rotating Flywheels that are
>connected to slow things down.
This is why most rational nations would have their entire ship
rotate in
one piece during peacetime steaming, relie on "gravity" generated by
and secure for combat and stop all rotations. You can read about sanely
operated war ships in Mote in God's Eye.