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Re: Wave, Nova, j-torps ... uberweapon imbalance?

From: campbelr@p...
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 16:35:08 -0400
Subject: Re: Wave, Nova, j-torps ... uberweapon imbalance?

J-Torps? Jump Torpedoes?  I missed this one.
A friend of mine writees snipets, (can't call them stories till we 
can connect more than 3 together  :) He has J-Torps in his universe, 
They are fired from and oposing ship, and jump into Hyper and drop 
out at a predetermined point. All  being equal and a lot of luck, 
exit will be inside the target ship. This is where the Jump shunt 
came in handy. It prevents this occurance. Course the JT still shows 
up just outside your shields so that pesky warhead still has to be 
dealt with.
I came up with a modification to this called the J-Cannon. A rail gun 
fired a warhead into a Jump field inside the barrel, since the 
warhead doesn't have a J generator the war head falls  back into 
normal space. Depending on it's velocity, it ends  up a diistance 
from the launcher without passing through the "normal" space in 
between. We rellized that you  could have a battle with fleets on 
oposite sides of a Solar System. Targeting would be a problem, but if 
you launch sensor drones all over the place.... Course then your   
fighters and small ships rush  about looking for the enemy sensor 
drones, etc.. etc... The whole thing turns into a game of 
"Battleship" realy quickly.
And I'll just mention  the fact he's figuring out a way to make one 
to shoot from one Solar System to another......  :)

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