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Re: AIs are not human! (was Re: AI in FT (was Re: Be gentle...))

From: Sprayform <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 10:24:10 -0400
Subject: Re: AIs are not human! (was Re: AI in FT (was Re: Be gentle...))

At 19:17 17/07/97 +0300,Mikko K-S wrote:

>And if you're really unlucky, you end up with a devil-incarnate that 
>tries its utmost to bend the meaning of your rules while staying within

>their letter.
>But you can't ever be really sure.
>So, if we're given a choice between not producing AIs and producing
>but not fully understanding the process -- which do you think will be 
>chosen? Especially given that the discoverer will most likely be a 
>curious scientist?
Well IMHO you end up with children !
     1-I,m a scientist
     2-I,ve got 2 young & growing AI,s
     3-I'll be b*ggered if I know what sort of self programming
       is going on inside them!

;-/	 8-P	  :-}	 :-@	    etc.

Jon (top cat)
Sprayforming Developments Ltd.	      [production tools]
					   made in
				      [prototype  times]
  'The future is now'

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