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Re: Reparing brain damaged AIs

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.donald@a...>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 23:35:13 -0400
Subject: Re: Reparing brain damaged AIs

Phillip E. Pournelle wrote:
> At 12:42 PM 7/16/97 +0100, you wrote:
> >> Actually that's all dependant on the age and type of neuron
> >> Genetic Engineers here are working on self-replicating grey matter
> >> have
> >> had some interesting results.
>	  The only nervous system cells that seem to self repair are
stem cells from
> zygotic tissues.  These have been used to treat spinal injuries, brain
> damage to alzheimers patients, etc.  The ethical delemna of course
> questions that Larry Niven brought up in his story "Message from
Earth" and
> his other works where different excuses were employed to use human
> etc to keep the elite alive and well.

I read somewhere a ways back (one of those science mags...), that there
is a parrot (songbird? something with feathers...) that can rebuild it's
brain.	It has an unusual brain DNA chain, and researchers said that in
humans, we have the SAME DNA chain...except it is turned off...

DOnald Hosford

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