Binding the universe...
From: Rodrick Campbell <rcampbell@u...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 03:15:20 -0400
Subject: Binding the universe...
I haven't found the perfect all purpose glue yet. I use a
for different situations. Elmers for flocking bases and general
construction of porous materials, Tacky glue when I need a bit of
thickness on porous materials and for non permanent bonds. Gel super
glue for small metal to metal and non polystyrene plastics. Model
One of my favorites for medium to large work is epoxy putty. Good
strong bond and you can do sculpting with it.
Sculpey gets fragile when you make really small pieces. As far
baking it... I visited Gettysburg when I was younger and there was a man
who made military miniatures in a small shop. Fabulous historically
accurate pieces baked in a toaster oven. I've found the trick with
sculpey is to not leave it in as long as the directions say. Twenty
minutes at 275 will burn most pieces under a quarter of an inch thick.
Check the piece at twelve and fifteen minutes. It will remain a bit
flexible until it cools thouroughly also. Polymer clays are also cool
because you can get gadgets to squeeze them into cool useful shapes.
of like the Play Doh Fun Factory.
Thanks for the ear ring post tip. I make jewelry of all sorts
it simply never occurred to me.