New PBEM Game - NOT FT (off topic)
From: Michael Hodgson <mkh100@y...>
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 19:34:56 -0400
Subject: New PBEM Game - NOT FT (off topic)
First an oppology that this post actually has nothing to do with
GZG or FT, but is the sort of place where I might find players for a
The game is called galaxy G and info can be found at:
It's sort of a Masters of Orion / Civalisation type game, with empires
building ships, developing new tech and exploring and colonising new
planets. The game is computer moderated and so can take a large number
However as I have never even played the game, much less run it, I shall
aim to keep this game quite small (~20 players) and treat it as a test.
If you are interested in playing then please mail ME (
and NOT the list.
I will send out startup info as soon as I have 20 players.