re: FTIII: "me too" cards & order of battle
From: "John M. Huber" <jhuber@o...>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 16:26:21 -0400
Subject: re: FTIII: "me too" cards & order of battle
In BattleTech we've used the following very successfully in
who-goes-when for
1] Use standard decks of playing cards.
2] Depending on how many ships on each side ... each side gets
either a
whole deck to work with or at least full suits of cards.
3] A team captain deals-out the cards to the players, one card per
This is the Ship's ID. Write it down on the ship's log.
4] Compare fleet sizes and figure out a ratio between fleets. If
are even, then each fleet takes turns firing one ship. If twice as
many, then
for each ship on one side two fire on the other side, etc.
5] Now, Order of Combat:
At the beginning of the Combat Phase each captain shuffles their
of cards. Then, as each fleet has a turn, turn up the top card of your
That Ship must stand, fire, whatever. Ships out of range of anyone are
in the deck. Destroyed ships are taken out of the deck. Ships whose
firecons, weapons systems, etc are no longer functioning ... I don't
Again, this works with BattleTech ... perhaps some variation can
worked out with FT?
One problem I can see with this is then my mosquitoes [escorts
and 3 needlers] might not get the chance to fire first, knock-out screen
generators and then followed up by the A-Battery ships further back!
Any thots?
John M. Huber