Re: Star Grunts Point System
From: "Mike Wikan" <mww@n...>
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 04:18:57 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Grunts Point System
> Hello,
> I'm sorry to bust on Jon (He did write these excellent games)
but I
> really think that we are paying him money to generate point systems
> enable us to judge relative differences betweeen forces.<snip>
I disagree. We are paying him money because we like his game
mechanics. We also pay him money because he doesn't mind if you abuse
or add to those mechanics. We fork over the moola because listens to
our input and considers the gamer's opinions as valuable (gasp of
horror from the GW crowd.). The mechanics of SGII are simple enough
to work up price points for (as has been amply demonstrated) no one
is EVER going to agree with all the mechanics that someone puts out.
Mike Wikan
Game Design\Conceptual Art
n-Space, Inc.
A Producer of 3D Entertainment Products