Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII
From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 14:30:56 -0400
Subject: Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII
Mikko Kurki-Suonio writes:
@:) > I think it's safe to say most of us here are probably not
@:) > keeping track of who said what how many posts back.
@:) I find it basic courtesy and elementary netiquette to read
@:) everything posted on the subject before hitting "reply".
I think different people have different ideas about what the list is
and how it works. For me it's not a place to argue "my idea is better
than yours" but more a place to search for "truth", whatever that
means in terms of FT (and other GZG). Because of this, I'm not
generally interested much in who came up with an idea - when I hear
one that's good I just sort of append it to my understanding of the
"FT Mailing List house rules" and move on. I think a large portion of
the stuff discussed on this list is consistent and could be used in a
single gaming session - to me that's good because it means that maybe
Jon will absorb it and insert it into the next version of his game.
Hopefully since we have a large number of people on the list, the
things that will be so absorbed will be the things that many people
support - and hopefully THAT will mean that the game will feel good to
many new players who will buy it because it does things the way they
like them done.
So in answer to your well actually it was an answer too, I think
most of our posters have a fairly good grasp of the subject to which
they are replying, but they don't always have a good understanding of
exactly who said what. I think that's great because, if nothing else,
it means people will easily forget all the stupid and unworkable ideas
I've posted. Maybe they'll think I invented all the neat stuff like
tractor beams or vectored movement!