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Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII

From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 14:16:42 -0400
Subject: Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII

At 03:58 PM 5/2/97 +0100, Jon (top cat) wrote:
>At 14:23 02/05/97 +0300,Mikko K-S you wrote:
>>On Wed, 30 Apr 1997, Phillip E. Pournelle wrote:
>>Nice idea. It just needs to be more player-friendly. How about
>>the damage (the ships must have some kind of protection against space 
>>dust!) and just using the blocking effects?
>		   8< >8
>This is already in MT under 'terrain' and the idea of ships casting 
>"safe areas" appeals to me. Hide your merchant ships in the 'corral'
>whilst the 7th Cav. escorts deal with the pesky Eurasians. YEE HAAAR !
>(sorry will take the dried frog pills first thing)

	Correct, I derived this from the MT book and brought the damage
down.  I really dont think that 1D6 per 12 inches of relative velocity
that great.  The areas of the Sand Clouds are not that large in
to most game boards.  By the way, when you fire a Sand Caster, it will
at least 1 inch of velocity normal to the direction the ship was facing
it was fired since the original ships point of origin marker is also the
cloud's for the first turn. 
>>Also, I'd replace the per cloud penalty with per inch of cloud.

	I'll have to go back into MT manual for that part.
Phil P.

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