Re: Food 'n' games, the two essentials(Off Topic)
From: "Mike Wikan" <mww@n...>
Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 06:22:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Food 'n' games, the two essentials(Off Topic)
Having lived in Korea, The Dutch Antilles, Puerto Rico and Germany I
have found that we Americans REALLY don't realize how lucky we are. I
make a Very, Very good living with a Bachelor's degree that I earned
by working my way through college. I own a 2600 square foot house
with a pool and have a wife with 2 children. Most places in the world
that is a very difficult thing to do. (If not impossible) We tend to
really bitch and moan when we go through transitional periods (as we
are now) and almost always reduce our military to levels too small to
defeat the Antiguan Police department (like the 1920-1934 era) in our
heady optimism that a "new era of peace" is at hand. We then act
surprised when someone kicks off a global offensive. If you would
have peace, be then prepared for war. It's a maxim to live by-we
really aren't all that far from Cro-Magnon man after all...
Mike Wikan
Game Design\Conceptual Art
n-Space, Inc.
A Producer of 3D Entertainment Products