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Re: Stargrunt "one" points system?

From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 14:07:11 -0400
Subject: Re: Stargrunt "one" points system?

At 09:44 AM 5/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>I like them both a great deal. I think I've gotten the most mileage 
>>out of DSII, though. There is more "web support" and It's very fun 
>>collecting a nice army configured the way YOU want it built. We've 
>>been doing a LOT of Bring-n-battle games at about 20,000 points per 
>This an average sized battle force in your neck of the woods?
>Do others have forces of this size? Do I have to go out and buy more
>minis now?? <sigh>
>>side. If you can live eating hot dogs and rice for a couple weeks, 
>>I'd recommend buying both. They interface very nicely.
>Macaroni and cheese w/hot dogs works well, too, and is cheap. I can
>get 2-3 meals out of one box of M&C, and then have source materials
>(eg, the empty box) for building terrain for my DS2/SG2 stuff.  :-)

Spoken like true bachelors....	Right now I'm hard pressed to weedle
out of our budget to buy 5 TaunTaun figures.  Good thing I bought my
back when I was single.

Phil P.

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