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SG2: Cavalry in SG2

From: The Caldwells <clcaldwell@p...>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 09:43:26 -0400
Subject: SG2: Cavalry in SG2

What cavalry in SG2, you ask?  (C'mon, play along).  Turns out that
cavalry is missing from SG2 - I say missing because, if I recall
correctly, Dirtside 2 has cav units.  

The question comes up because I just bought one of the Taun-taun figures
from Star Wars Miniatures to use as scouts for my FSE squad.  Painted a
nice camel color for use in the desert to go along with the rest of my
desert camo paint scheme for the squad.  (The taun-taun, for those not
familiar, is the beastie in Empire Strikes Back on the ice world of
Hoth.  There it appears as a polar creature, nice and white - well, on
the outside at least <grin>).

Anyway, I was thinking along the lines of:

12" move, like a vehicle.  This would probably represent an all-out
sprint, not cruising speed, but I think that's ok considering the
time-scale of SG2.  Besides, I really want to be able to ride him up
next to my friend's GW Land Raider model and drop a grenade down the
hatch!	<evil grin>

Larger target than a man, so maybe treat as one range band closer? I'm
undecided on this one.

Provides some protection to the rider, as the mount might take a shot
that would otherwise have hit the rider.  Undecided about this one, too.
 I could give the rider and the mount separate armor values and then
dice for hits on a d6.	1-4 the mount gets hit, 5-6 the rider.	If rider
die, figure is removed.  If mount dies, then the rider may live and
fight on foot.

Obviously I am still working on this - anyone have any ideas? 

Nick Caldwell

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