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Re: Marcon?

From: A stalwart bastion of bachelorism <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 15:37:24 -0400
Subject: Re: Marcon?

>> Anyone out there attending Marcon this May?	It's in Columbus, Ohio,
>> 9-11, and I'm kinda looking for someone to split a room with, or grab
>> floor space, or *something*.
>> Later,
>>		       Aaron Teske
>I'm not sure yet, I might be going as I live in Athens Ohio.

Ya know, if enough of you guys go, I'll definitely run an FT game
will anyway, but...)

   o/		      ..     .
  /@		       .  .	      If you insist on reaching for a
  <|\			  .  )	      star, be prepared to take a long,
   |		     /\ 	      hard fall.
   |		    //
   /		 o //*		      Indy - climber, astronomer,
  /		<%- /|\ 	      supreme. Have rope, will travel.
 /		/\ / | \

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