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Replenishing fighters

From: pepourne@n... (Phillip E. Pournelle)
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 1997 14:22:35 -0400
Subject: Replenishing fighters

Having worked on a carrier I have some real problems with the idea than
entire fighter can be fielded out of parts on hand.  Usually it is the
 way around, there is a hangar queen that never flies because there are
 enough parts to keep all of them up at one time.  So the rule should
 be that every squadron leaves with only 5 fighters...	Obviously those
bought	carriers won't like this bit of realism...
   I don't think that fighters need beefing up, they are quite capable
 their own...  Additionally, if you can replenish fighters in the middle

of the game, how about my missiles...?
   Phil P.

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