RE: GZG questions
From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 14:44:10 -0500
Subject: RE: GZG questions
>OK - So this leads to a bunch more questions: :-)
>1) What does a KV look like? 18 legs? 6 eyes? Armored? Fur? Tiny?
Humanoid in shape and size, with a head that is a cross between the
Predator and the Kafers from 2300AD. Hands/feet three-digited.
>2) What is a P'taah? And what do they look like?
Slightly insectoid, with elongated (Alien-esque) heads, digitigrade
(birdlike) legs, and tails. Again about man-sized. Use a combination of
"hard" tech and biotech; we haven't yet decided just where they will fit
the GZG background - they may be an independant minor race, or may even
up as a "client" (read: slave) race used by the Sa'Vasku for combat
>Nick Caldwell, still waiting for Star Tigers on the other side of the
May be a long wait - I don't know if GeoHex will release them for US
or not. You could always ask them!
Jon (GZG).
BTW, what was the attached file on your message? I couldn't open it.