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RE: Capital Ships in Campeign Games

From: Eric Fialkowski <ericski@m...>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 19:20:02 -0500
Subject: RE: Capital Ships in Campeign Games

   There is more to think about than points.  In real life (I hate
real life in games), destroyers can't stay out at sea for as long as
cruisers.  Also, capital ships are real good at waving the flag and for
show of force.	Nobody is really going to take a single destroyer as a
serious threat, but if you send too many, you could start a war.
   In one off games, there isn't that extra level to contend with.
Therefore you can play a suicidal as you want.	I always try to make
scenarios were you can eliminate all of the opposing forces, have one
left, and guess what?  You still lost.	OK, so did the other guy.  Try
assigning points for damage done, ships destroyed, etc.  If you come up
with a good points spread (I haven't quite done it yet so don't ask me
mine) your games will be more interesting.
    Barring all of this, we just need a good set of campaign rules. 
hint, nudge nudge to Jon ;)

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   +		 Eric Fialkowski	       +
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