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Re: Word wrapping

From: Samuel Penn <sam@b...>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 06:51:51 -0500
Subject: Re: Word wrapping

In message <> Rob wrote:

> On this word wrapping business:
> Am I one of the line-length miscreants?
> My line-length was set to 78, 
> which I've now changed to 70.
> However, I don't see any difference
> in the appearance of the messages 
> I get from the list or elsewhere

Normally, it just affects the messages you send out, not the
appearance of messages you receive. But going by this message,
it seems to now be formatted to around 40 characters!

Whichever editor I'm using, I word wrap by hand (to around 65
characters, to leave plenty of room for quoting indents), so
it's guaranteed to get it right.

You could do with a "-- " before your signature though - it
helps mail readers to auto-strip the signature from the reply.

Be seeing you,					     ARM not Intel.
Sam.					       Acorn not Microsoft.

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