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Dirtside II Damage Chits

From: pepourne@n... (Phillip E. Pournelle)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 11:05:01 -0500
Subject: Dirtside II Damage Chits

This message is for the folks at GZG or anyone else who has an answer. 
As I get deeper into counting threory I'm getting more and more
disturbed by the chit system used in DSII for assessing damage.  As you
draw more chits the number remaining in the bowl gets smaller and so the
chances start to get squewed as you draw them.	Now the rules say that
you should remix the chits after each activation, but for those vehicles
with a lot of weapons or a very high weapons rating, they get the
benefit of the squew while the others suffer.
  The alternative is to re-mix after every draw, truly anoying...  So
for now I use a unpunched group and roll 1d20 and 1d8 as a grid. 
However I think it would be much better if GZG created a new chart using
percentile dice.  I would love to get a copy of such an animal.
  Phil P.

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