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Robot Ship Rules [Final] (MEDIUM)

From: timj@u...
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 09:11:02 -0500
Subject: Robot Ship Rules [Final] (MEDIUM)

Here are the final summarised robot ship rules. If anyone wants to put
them on their 
FT WWW page please feel free to do so.

Tim Jones


Robot Ship Rules

Rules for *simple* robot ships for solo play. 

1) Each robot has an assigned target ship. The target ship is defined as
nearest ship in the forward or rear arc of the robot ship OR the most
target ship if no ship is in either arc [ gives the robot a sort of
focus, but also allows it to react to people trying to get into it's
rear arc]

2) The robot ship fill follow the target ship like a seeking weapon and
always move *after* the target ship as it must react to the target ship 
maneuvering [*PSB* this simulates the enhanced AI of the robot to

It will always attempt to close the range to the target ship as much as 
possible given its thrust rating. The robot will close the range to the
effective range for its weapons and no further. i.e. for ABC batteries
this is 
12 in.

If the target velocity	>= robot velocity the robot will accelerate 
If the target velocity	<  robot velocity the robot will decelerate

The robot ship will turn as allowed by its thrust rating, it will trade
acceleration/deceleration conflicts with turning requirements by taking
movement combination that will place it closest to the target ship and

  The robot ship will move to enable the maximum number of active
weapons to 
  bear on the target ship.
  The robot ship will not willingly move into the target ships most
  firing arc. If the move causes it to do so, it will attempt to 'veer'
  another firing arc instead.

  The robot ship will attempt move into the target ships least offensive
  firing arc in preference to another similar move [ makes the robot try
to sit
  on the targets rear arc ] 

3) The robot ship will try to fire every weapon every turn. The robot
ship will
fire every weapon that can bear and is in range of the target ship. If
robot ship has effective weapons e.g. sub-munitions that  cannot bear,
it will 
turn to allow these weapons to bear and then obey 2)

4) The robot ship will not leave the game area or take a course that
leave the game area

5) If the robot ship has missiles it will fire one at the target ship on
turn it is in *effective* missile range

6) If the robot ship has fighters it will launch one squadron at the
ship on every turn it is in *effective* fighter range. Fighters then
behave as 
robot ships. The usual no maneuver rule for fighter launches is waived
robot ships.

7) At the end of each turn the non expendable weapons on a robot ship
re-loaded and ready to fire. If the robot ship has multi-turn arming
it will fire them at the maximum rate allowed if the target ship is in
range & 

8) The robot ship will obey any other additional rules as the player
sees fit 
e.g. Sensor scans, Damage Control ...

9) If its too easy add more robots or make them Kra'Vak.


Decision tables
The robots tactics on choosing a target and after an attack on a target
can be 
randomised. This can be by a simple decision table to a dice roll or by
tactics cards.


Robot has picked target T1 now roll D6

    1 - attack rear arc & hold station
    2 - attack port arc & hold station
    3 - attack starboard arc & hold station
    4 - attack rear arc & veer off 
    5 - attack port arc & veer off
    6 - attack starboard arc & veer off

The robot movement choices would then use these constraints. Veering off
achieved by a 2 point turn in a random or chosen direction.

Tactic cards
Tactic cards can be as simple or complicated as required e.g.

Tactic:     Over-run
Directions: Close directly with target and release weapons at best
	    range just prior to over running target. Once over-run
	    turn to engage target in rear arc 

Tactic:     Leech (P)
Directions: Close with targets port arc and release weapons at best
	    range, attempt to remain in targets port arc at best
	    weapons range 

Tactic:     Pivot
Directions: Slow to speed zero at maximum deceleration. Target and fire
	    nearest enemy ship each turn.  

I'm be interested in compiling a list of possible tactics and their
names and
directions for a 'tactical guide' 

A robot ship is given a target, and an order to follow.  These orders
are fairly
basic, i.e. Attack, Defend/Escort, Patrol, Board/Capture, and the target
not have to be the ship that is attacked, but could be, for example, the
ship to
be escorted when using a Defend/Escort order.

How the robot ship actually responds these orders is decided using
tables and common sense.  Basically, put yourself in the position of the
AI in charge of the ship, write down a few options available and assign
throws to them.

For example, a destroyer has orders to defend an unarmed civilian space
Two frigates are approaching.  The orders could be as follows on a D6

    1 - Approach frigates, do not fire until attacked.
2,3,4 - Spread fire evenly between both attackers.
    5 - Concentrate fire on frigate A.
    6 - Concentrate fire on frigate B.

Though this is more complex and time consuming than a rigidly programmed
it makes your enemy less predictable and gives a better game.

These rules are finalised in that they have been discussed on FTGZG-L
and I have
summarised the feedback received. 

Thanks to Jon
	  Thomas Heaney
	  Jon Davis

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