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Space Ship Minis Wish List

From: "<Mark Andrew Siefert>" <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 09:07:38 -0500
Subject: Space Ship Minis Wish List

Hello Everybody:
	Yesterday, I was cruising the game store after picking up my
of The Babylon Project.  I was paging through the various sci-fi rpg and

board games and thinking of all the lost miniature opertunities that
been lost.  There are a lot of great starships designs in these game
would have made great minis.  Here a short list of the games with ship 
designs that caught my attention:

	Battletech: I like the warship designs seen in both the 2750 and

3052 tech readouts.
	Mekton Zeta:  Especially the ships in their new "Starblade"
	The Jovian Chronicles (Old Mekton Supplement soon to be a stand 
alone game from Dream Pod 9):  Nice "low tech" ships.
	Cyberpunk 2020:  Nice "VERY low tech" ships in their space 
background supplement.
	Heavy Gear (I still haven't bought the game just yet. I blew a 
wad on The B5 RPG.):  Cool looking ships.

	There are also a couple of dead mini lines I wish would come

	Space Fleet:  OK, the game sucked moose ----,  but the mini's 
were sooooooo cool.  I've got a nice sized fleet of Imperial and Eldar 
ships.	However, I WANT MORE!!!!
	Silent Death (Pre-"The Next Millenium"):  I got ahold of an old 
SD supplement and I must say that the old minis looked a lot better than

the weird designs they are using now.
	Anyone else share my frustration?

Mark A. Siefert

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