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Re: Threshold Damage Cards

From: Binhan Lin <Binhan.Lin@U...>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 17:18:56 -0500
Subject: Re: Threshold Damage Cards

On Sat, 8 Mar 1997, Brian Bell wrote:

> Rob on threshold cards:

> The main problem with threshold cards is that all ships do not have
> same system. 
> "You loose the Wave Gun."-card reads
> "All Right! I don't have a Wave Gun! No damage!"-player response. 
> Either obscure weapons will be less effected by threshold cards (more 
> cards mention "A" bats than Nova Cannons, so Nova Cannons are lost
> often) or "no effect" is the result (as above). If the if/then/else 
> option is on the cards ("Loose screen. If no screen then loose 1
> some systems will still be more likely to be damaged. If it goes to 
> random, then why have the cards other than atmosphere ("Mr. Spike 
> accidentally presses the "Maintenance" button on the weapons console.
> maintenance cover comes off the Muon Projector before he can reset 
> it"-roll to determine which Beam weapon is damaged)? Also if it lists 
> specific damage, it will be important to reshuffle the cards
> or have "reshuffle cards", to avoid people playing the odds on the 
> threshold cards (I'll draw for the escort first because there is only
> card left that removes Wave Guns).
You could implement a system similar to the SFB damage allocation with 
each card listing 5 or 6 systems or results and if a particular ship
not have the first item go to the second etc. etc. until either a system

is damaged or no systems remain on the card which means no effect.  YOu 
could have cards with all special systems like nova cannon, ECM, cloak
you could mix those systems as items 5 or six on each card.  Someone 
would have to generate some numbers of how frequent each item comes up
cards based on mass, and how common the systems are used.  For instance 
A-batts, B-batts, and C-batts should appear on the cards way more often 
than say cloaking device.  An example of a set of cards might be:

Card 1:
	1 A-batt
	2 Pulse Torpedo
	3 Fire control
	4 Shield
	6 Sensors

Card 2:
	1 B-Batt
	2 C-Batt
	3 A-Batt
	4 Fire control
	5 Wave Cannon
	6 Fighter bay

Card 3: 
	1 Normal Drive
	2 C-Batt
	4 Missile
	5 Cloaking Device
	6 A-Batt

etc. etc.

--Binhan Lin

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