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Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!

From: Thomas@s... (Thomas Payne)
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 08:01:57 -0500
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!

In message <> Thomas Corcoran writes:
> Ground Zero Games wrote:
>	Ok, I like the Idea.  But you will need to include provisions
> maintaining balance in design.  I see lots of little ships made by
> strapping a WaveGun to an engin.  Also the micro carrier (it carries
> ONLY 1 squadron) will come into the game.  WOW, BIG change in tactics.


I dunno how much other people are gonna like this, but...

Howsabout making different races require different %'s in engines,
etc... to 
distinguish between them. One of the major flaws in the game (well,
maybe not 
major) is that every race has exactly the same ship design potentials;
why not 
take a leaf from the PBeM game "Stars!" and allow different races
different equipment list? The changes would not have to be significant;
races only require 4% per thrust factor or torpedoes have a +1 to hit,
but it 
would be enough to add a little flavour. 

I realise that this can open the way to abuse of the system even further
WH40k where Orks lose almost every time), but there's a fairly good
chance of 
the idea balancing out. 


>				Tom

Thomas Payne

"I prefer Au Revior..." -- Mort

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